Why Finance at Citton Cars?

Jan 2015

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For consumers, financing a vehicle can be a hassle. Most people opt for car leasing because they want to drive a new and improved version, without paying the entire purchase price upfront. And this is where several dealers play their tricks.
By incorporating high rate of interest and various yo-yo financing techniques, dealers try to convince you how car leasing is the best option for you and your bank balance. Hence, reading your purchase agreement is equally important as finding a trusted and experienced vehicle dealer with a good market reputation and plenty of customer referrals.

Established Business

With a proven track of excellence, Citton Cars offers top-quality cars and prides itself on its outstanding value for money and an exceptional customer-relationship management team. The dealer is fully accredited with WesBank business manager and offers a wide range of flexible and tailor-made financing options.

Experienced and Friendly Staff

The car financing process is made fast and easy at Citton. Experienced sales consultants help navigate buyers through the entire process of car financing and are there to assist them in understanding each and every stipulation of the agreement.

Wide Range of Services Offered

In terms of car financing, you wouldn’t want to leave anything up to chance. Each and every penny counts. When you’re paying monthly installments with interest charges, it’s only fair that you get a wide variety of options in car financing agreements.
Citton Cars offers several value-added financing arrangements and products to secure your asset ownership, ensure your usage rights for the vehicle remain uninterrupted and bridge the insurance gap. Asset-based financing agreements at Citton incorporate:
Insurance Coverage
Monthly Finance Installment Protector
Credit Life Protection Cover
Deposit and Depreciation Cover; and many other financing agreements.

More Vehicles Offered

Unlike several other dealers, Citton offers financing based on the vehicle, rather than introducing a general flat leasing arrangement for vehicles of every build and make. Be it Audi, Volvo, Toyota or any other make, there are plenty of financing plans for all!

Fast and Efficient Process

Using modern technology, the financing process at Citton is fast, efficient and user friendly. It takes hardly 40 minutes to conclude even the most complex financing agreement and drive away in your dream car. With their financing options and variety of cars, Citton Cars is one of the leading dealers for buying used vehicles at flexible financing terms. Click here to learn more.