Oct 2016

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Should you agree with the HIGHLIGHTED answers below, you might be AT RISK of a financial crisis in the event of a CAR ACCIDENT
Are you comprehensively insured? Yes I think so
Have you insured your car for Retail Value? No
Have you insured all your extras such as tow bars, canopy etc? Not Sure
Have you agreed to a percentage excess? Yes
Are you aware of all your additional excesses? No
What is your excess in the event of a windscreen repair or replacement? Not sure, R1000 or more
Do you travel daily for business? If yes, does your insurance penalise you for high mileage travelled when you submit a total loss claim? Not Sure
Are you guaranteed that your insurance company will settle your bank immediately after you submitted a claim in the event of a Total loss? No
Besides your life insurance, are you covered in the event if you die as a result of a car accident either as the driver or as a passenger? No
Do you have a team of lawyers that will forfeit their fees in the event of having to facilitate a Road Accident Fund claim on your behalf? No
Have you ever been rewarded for loyalty prior to buying? No
Have you taken a residual value on your car? Yes
Have you financed any amounts after your initial purchase date? Yes
Citton Cars highly recommend that you contact our Finance and Insurance Division for a Free Financial and Insurance Assessment.
Why should you and your loved ones be AT RISK? Act now! Become READY, SECURED and COMFORTABLE in the event of that unforeseen Car accident.

Click here to see our finance and insurance options