Dec 2014

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Not only does Citton Cars care about their customers, but their loved ones too.
How often does one see a vehicle becoming a death trap to pets? Without a doubt this is a common, yet heated topic that delivers shocking results in terms of deaths recorded. So allow Us to share some tips to prevent this from happening in your presence.
Within 10 minutes the degrees in a vehicle could increase between twenty and forty degrees.
This could result in your dog sustaining brain damage or die within fifteen minutes. Dogs cool down by means of panting and sweating through their paw pads.
Warning signs:
Excessive thirst
Thick saliva
Heavy panting (loud puffs)
Lethargy (loss of energy)
Lack of appetite
Dark tongue
Rapid heartbeat
Fever and vomiting
Bloody diarrhoea
Lack of co-ordination
Top SUV’s for your Dog.
Useful tips:
Provide water
Immerse in cold water for at least 2 minutes, however steer away from iced water
Wet a towel or cloth, and cover the groin area, stomach, chest and paws
Actions taken:
Record the vehicle detail: make, model, registration and engine number
Contact the police department
If an emergency obtain one or more witnesses and seek an alternative method to remove the animal from the vehicle
Travelling with Pets
We understand that sometimes you and your ‘best friend’ are inseparable! A trip with your pet can be rewarding but equally challenging if you don’t plan ahead.
If you’re planning a road trip, ensure that your pet is comfortable and used to the speed and sound of other vehicles as these can be daunting. At all times your pet’s comfort should be observed when making travel arrangements.

Tips for keeping your pets safe on the road

Ensure pets have food and water available at regular intervals. Invest in a portable, collapsible dish made from tough nylon.
Remember to take your pet’s supply of food with as you may not be staying near a pet store or shop that stocks its favourite brand.
Plan your route and make regular pit stops to ensure that pets get adequate exercise. Ensure to always keep pets on a leash when entering or exiting the car so that they don’t bolt into oncoming traffic.
The durable Four Paws Safety Sitter is fastened around your dog’s chest and under its front legs. It then attaches to the car seat belt. Car Safety Nets are fitted to windows and prevent dogs or cats from climbing into the front while you’re driving.
Never leave a pet alone in the car; this could cause stress, affect the health of the pet and they could possibly damage the interior of your vehicle.
Keep in mind the volume of your music; whilst you may enjoy the music pets’ hearing are far more sensitive and could find it distressing.
Most of our pets have tags but does it help if the address is 500km away. Ensure that you have a mobile phone number on the tag or add an additional ‘I’m on my holiday’ with two mobile numbers to ensure a speedy return.
Be prepared for injury or illness. Enquire at your local vet for a first aid kit that provides solutions for small injuries. Consult your vet for any medication required, including car sickness tablets and mild sedatives, if necessary..
Reporting Animal Cruelty

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

Albert Einstein

SPCA Website
Tel: (011) 907-3590 Fax: (011) 907-4013