Creative Tips for Vintage Car Photography

Jun 2016

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The modern day car defined in terms of lifestyle, efficiency, aerodynamics, power, and speed cannot replace the beauty of vintage cars. If you are a photography lover, you can never find a better model for photoshoots than a vintage car. Use our top-picks on vintage car photography and become the rockstar of next photography competition!

Timing for Outdoor Shoots

For outdoor shoots, the timing of the day plays a key role in highlighting the car features and attracting focus to its specific parts. The best timings for outdoor vintage car photography are sunrise and sunset. If you want the car’s paint to shine like heaven, then place the camera on a tripod stand at an adjusted angle.

Never Miss Reflections

The reflection of your vintage car in another car or any other object is a photo feature you should never miss to capture. For making the car’s reflection shine in the photo, make sure that there is no reflection or packed space in the background. Never shoot a car’s reflection that has trees or buildings in the background. Other solid items like mountains or oceans in the background would boost the car’s reflection. Most of the amateur photographers do not care about their own reflection when shooting this type of photography. Make sure that the picture has your car’s reflection only.

Make Your Car’s Paint and background combinations

Backgrounds either totally ruin your picture or make it the masterpiece. Remove all the small things from the background including bins, boxes, and flags etc. Make color combinations of car’s paint and background for example mustard vintage Mustang in front of a setting sun or Aqua Blue Rolls Royce Phantom in front of ocean in the evening can help you produce the best pieces of your photography art.

Shooting the Interior

Every part of vintage cars can be shot with any angle and focus. Including the manufacturer’s logo, the vintage cars also have stunning interior lights, dashboard, upholstery, large steering wheel, and classic stereo system. Bring out the best of your focused photography skills and start clicking. If you have upgraded the car’s interior with modern technological installations, then no one can stop you from winning the competition.
Clarity and cleanliness are the most important things in any sort of photography. Always clean every inch of your car before shooting it and make sure that surroundings do not distract the attention or focus from the car. Isn’t it really easy and simple?